The Coalition of Artists in Busan: Fostering Collaboration, Networking, and Advocacy

The Coalition of Artists in Busan

Busan, a vibrant city in South Korea known for its rich cultural heritage and artistic expression, is home to a diverse community of artists. These artists, from various disciplines and backgrounds, have come together to form the Coalition of Artists in Busan.

A Glocal Association of Artists

The Coalition of Artists in Busan is not just a local association but a glocal one. It is a unique platform that supports collaboration among artists not only within Busan but also on a global scale. The association aims to bridge the gap between local artists and the international art scene, fostering a sense of unity and promoting cultural exchange.

Supporting Collaboration

One of the primary objectives of the Coalition of Artists in Busan is to support collaboration among its members. The association believes that collaboration is essential for artistic growth and development. By working together, artists can share their knowledge, skills, and experiences, leading to the creation of innovative and impactful artwork.

The Coalition of Artists in Busan organizes regular events, workshops, and exhibitions that encourage collaboration. These platforms provide artists with opportunities to connect, exchange ideas, and engage in joint projects. Through these initiatives, the association aims to foster a collaborative spirit within the artistic community in Busan.

Facilitating Networking

In addition to supporting collaboration, the Coalition of Artists in Busan also focuses on facilitating networking opportunities for its members. The association understands the importance of building connections within the art world and believes that networking can open doors to new opportunities.

The association organizes networking events, where artists can meet and interact with fellow artists, art enthusiasts, and industry professionals. These events provide a platform for artists to showcase their work, receive feedback, and establish valuable connections that can further their artistic careers.

Advocating for Artists’ Rights

The Coalition of Artists in Busan also serves as an advocate for artists’ rights. The association recognizes the challenges faced by artists, including issues related to intellectual property, fair compensation, and creative freedom.

Through its advocacy efforts, the association aims to raise awareness about these issues and work towards creating a more supportive and equitable environment for artists. By voicing their concerns and collaborating with other organizations, the Coalition of Artists in Busan strives to protect and promote the rights of artists in the city.


The Coalition of Artists in Busan is a glocal association that brings together artists from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. It supports collaboration, facilitates networking, and advocates for artists’ rights. Through its initiatives, the association aims to foster a vibrant and inclusive artistic community in Busan, where artists can thrive and make a meaningful impact.


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